Fashion designer Anna Ngann Yonn is the happy producer of the brand Kreyann. Having the pressure of parents wanting her to go into medicine, Yonn did the opposite and followed her passion which she has had since she was 13 years old. After getting a science high school diploma, she decided to dive into the paris world of Fashion and was awarded at the College of Fashion Arts of Paris (ESMOD).
In 1992 Kreyann returned to Cameroon a little unsure of what was next, “I wondered if I made the good choice. But I finally opened a small workshop. I started with a machine, then two and so on, until today that I am at the head of a light industry of fashion which has its own brand: Kreyann.
Yonn's influences were not major fashion designers; on the other hand they were a little closer to home! ‘My two grandmothers were dressmakers and I believe that I was especially influenced by the wardrobe of my mother who travelled a lot worldwide and who brought back magnificent clothes and fabrics from countries which she visited.’
Kreyann's aim is to make beautiful colourful garments full of shapes and patterns which any woman can feel beautiful in! 'It's been 10 years already, miles of silk, infinite rainbows of colors, beautiful and refined shapes, ethnic cultures revisited...but still the same drive, the same appeal for true fashion and this everlasting need to make women more beautiful and graceful.' - Kreyann
Kreyann's designs are both modern and cultural; including aspects historic aspects like flowing silk skirts, frilly tops as well as the more modern mesh trimming and fish tail dresses. Her colour palette is absolutely gorgeous and instantly catches the eye when on the runway. I can imagine the African sun glowing gorgeously off the shadowed material and complimenting the dark skin tone immensely.